Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Self-Evaluation Brainstorming

Today in class, you will receive the assignment for the self-evaluation essay, the last piece of writing you will do in this course. In order to help you get started thinking about this essay, I would like you to use the following questions as prompts and write a 300-400 word blog post in response. You do not need to answer all of the questions, just write about the ones that spark the most thought out of you.

1. What assignment was easiest for you? Why? What does that suggest about you?
2. What was the most challenging assignment? Why? How did you deal with the challenge and what was the outcome?
3. In what ways has your writing improved or changed during this semester? What aspects did you choose to work on and to what effect?
4. What activities have helped you work most on your writing or made you realize areas you needed to work on? What, for example, was the effect of peer review, revision, even the informal writing that you completed? Were any of these more helpful or less helpful to you? Why? What did you learn from these experiences?
5. What assignment did you learn the most from and why? What assignment are you most proud of and why?
6. What do you wish you worked more on and why? Did you do more or less than was expected by the instructor? Than your classmates? Why or why not?
7. What do you still need to work on in future semesters in terms of thinking, reading, or writing?
8. Are you the same thinker, reader, or writer who began the class? If not, what is different?
9. What was the most useful part of the course? The most frustrating? What role do you play in that process in relation to the assignments, readings, class dynamics, etc.?
10. What is the relationship between the argument-based writing you worked on in this course and the kinds of thinking and writing you will need to complete in your major field of study and future career? How has this writing experience prepared you to approach those kinds of writing situations?

Compose your piece as a unified piece of writing. Don't just list the answers to the questions you choose. Due Sunday, April 21 by midnight, posted on your blog.

These questions and this writing exercise will help you begin to generate some material for the Self-Evaluation Essay. You should bring a draft of that essay to your writing conferences with me. The SEE also should not just be a list of questions you answered; it needs to be structured like a traditional essay.

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